mod_psldap 0.93 Released
The latest release of mod_psldap provides new core capabilities to support new actions to register users, add ldap attributes and client side drag and drop editing of the LDAP records to reassign records to superiors, people to managers, and members to groups. A client side form validation framework was also introduced that simplifies validation through leverage of custom attributes on the input elements.
- Fixed DocumentManager JS API to accomodate browser technology changes – mod_psldap now supports XSLT on the client without a round trip to the server to reaquire the XML and reset the default XSL
- Addition of search status update in the tree div and processing status to the record editing div in alt_index.html
- Implemented window resizing to fit content in editable forms popups
- Enabled anonymous access through the module when a user is not provided
- Implemented a Register action to force rebinding to ldap with credentials provided through the PsLDAPRegBindDN and PsLDAPRegBindPassword parameters configured in the Apache configuration for the module
- Modified the DSML_editform.xsl to transform for registration specific view provided the dn attribute on the searchResultEntry node equals ‘dc=registered’
- Added operational attributes into the attribute set returned when an LDAP search is executed, allowing visibility to entryUUID, modifyTimestamp, createTimestamp, creatorsName, among other attributes
- Eliminated potential security hole when using cookie based sessions
- Modified LDAP session persistance to pull timestamp from the operational attribute modifyTimestamp to dtermine last access time for Apache session
- Secured session cookies with HttpOnly option to reduce XSS attack risk – pending identification of browser support
- Introduced validation framework in edit tools – invokes any function set in the psvalidate attribute of an input element in the context of the input element on form validation passing the argument list identified in a comma separate string following the function name in the attribute e.g. psvalidate=’psldap_validateMinLength,7′
- Introduced 4 standard validation methods: psldap_validateMinLength, psldap_validateMaxLength, psldap_validateEMail, psldap_validatePasswordStrength,
- Fixed the configure script – the generated Makefile now provides reliable builds, installs, and bundling of the module
- Enable drag and drop movement across organizational units and managers in the explorer tree via mouse actions against the image handles on each tree node