
Download Now! Get mod_psldap at Fast, secure and Free Open Source software downloads

mod_psldap© is a C module for Apache based on the Apache & OpenLDAP development libraries that was created to provide a secure, reliable means of performing authentication of Apache users against anto interact with an LDAP service and manage authentication and authorization within an Apache web server. This product allows for a high degree of customization through extensive leverage of XSL to manage the presentation tier of the solution. In addition to the benefits of flexibility and accessibility, this module further reduces network overhead associated with LDAP administration via web technologies by 95%+ due to the leverage of Web 2.0 techniques. mod_psldap© is maintained on SourceForge by PSInd, LLC.


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PRPCbuntu© is a shell script capable of creating a debian package installer for PRPC as well as a full virtual machine based on Ubuntu, Oracle, and Sun Java JVM with minimal user intervention. It can reduce the installation / preparation time to create a PRPC environment by up to 90% and eliminates the need to read through Pegasystems install guide to execute the installation manually.


Showtime© is a MS Access application to manage the real time administration of a flower show. Features include reporting, scoring, data entry, filtering and searching the entries. Showtime© scales to over a thousand exhibits with over 10,000 plant entries per show. It is built over a plant database of over 92,000 plants indexed for rapid searching and responsiveness to queries. The application sports the following features:

Showtime© has the following system requirements: